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The buyer is given a one year warranty on materials, manufacturing and construction errors, provided that the buyer has used the equipment in accordance with the manuals and / or instructions. The servicing and spare parts are given 3 months warranty, unless otherwise indicated. The buyer undertakes to immediately notify in writing to sell when the defect is discovered or should have been discovered. The time limit is counted from the date of invoice. Seller shall within a reasonable time rectify the claimed defects in the warranty period. The warranty covers split the cost and elapsed time for the repair / rectification. Travel and living expenses not covered by warranty if not specifically stated.Instead of correcting the defect, the seller the right to make partial or total replacement.All warranty work must be performed by the seller or his designate. If it does not void the warranty. Seller assumes 3 months parts warranty from date of invoice on the sale of used products. The warranty does not cover consequential damage, either by purchase or lease, and sell disclaims responsibility for damages which the equipment / sales item had to do other things or people. Sellers warranty cover any failure, damage or defects caused by the installation carried out by the seller or the seller appoints and this is not performed according to manuals / instuksjoner or applicable government regulations, inadequate maintenance, treatment in violation of the manuals / instructions or other improper treatment

  • operations / repairs by persons not authorized repairers on the product or the use of non-original parts.
  • accident or other circumstances for delivery outside the Sellers control, including voltage fluctuations beyond + / - 10% of rated voltage, lightning, electrical disturbances or irregularities in water supply.
  • corrosion / deposition as a result of placement in abnormally wet areas or because of water quality.
  • wear resulting from normal use. 
Tvetenveien 154 A, 0671 Oslo Postadresse:
Postboks 54, Kjelsås, 0411 Oslo
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